How Long Does Canaloplasty Take?

One very common question I’m asked is, “how long does canaloplasty take?” Well, by eye surgery standards, it’s a pretty long surgery. It can last anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours, depending upon the complexity of one’s anatomy, as well as the skill of one’s surgeon. Canaloplasty is not a surgery that can be rushed. It’s a very delicate surgery. And the surgeon is working along membranes that are very very easy to rupture or cut through. The success of the surgery depends on careful dissection and a very good view and understanding of the anatomy. That being said, with a careful surgeon and the skills necessary, the results of Canaloplasty can be quite satisfying.

One other thing to consider with Canaloplasty in terms of the time of the surgery is that in general, the patient is anaesthetized, either with a general or with a local anesthetic and IV sedation. Therefore, most people really are unaware or sleep through much of the surgery. And it really should not be uncomfortable. So the time that it takes to perform a surgery is really less important than, that the surgery itself be done carefully and without rushing.

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