Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty for Glaucoma Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is already one of the gentlest and easiest of the surgical glaucoma treatments. It’s quick, usually painless, requires almost no modifications in activity, and results in intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering in the majority of...Micropulse Laser Trans-Scleral Cyclophotocoagulation – The Tulane Study Group Results
Micropulse® Laser Trans-Scleral Cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC) using the Iridex P3 probe (MP3) was a hot topic at the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) 2017 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (March 2-5). Multiple posters were presented sharing the results of using this...How Does Micropulse® P3 Cyclophotocoagulation Work?
Research poster from the American Glaucoma Society Source: IRIDEX – Great work by Dr. Murray Johnstone | Facebook [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Mar 14]. Available from: How Micropulse® P3 Cyclophotocoagulation Works...Micropulse® Cyclophotocoagulation (MP3) Glaucoma Treatment at Earlier Stages of Glaucoma
MicroPulse® P3 Glaucoma Device (MP3) Innovative Cyclophotocoagulation with MicroPulse Technology Powered by the NEW CYCLO G6™ Glaucoma Laser System Source: Micropulse® Cyclophotocoagulation (MP3) Can Be an Effective Glaucoma Treatment Micropulse...MicroPulse® P3 “Cyclophotocoagulation” – A Burst of Good News for those with Glaucoma
MicroPulse® P3 (MP3) Minimally Invasive, Micropluse Technology! Talk to Dr. Richardson Today MicroPulse® P3 “Cyclophotocoagulation” There is a new type of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) that has quietly joined the fray in the battle against glaucoma:...Pattern Scanning Laser Trabeculoplasty (PSLT) Treatment for Glaucoma
What is Pattern Scanning Laser Trabeculoplasty (PSLT) Another device joins the Laser Trabeculoplasty glaucoma treatment party! “ALT, SLT, MLT, meet PSLT”
Titanium + Sapphire: Great for Jewelry & Glaucoma
So is the Titanium-Sapphire laser of real value in the treatment of glaucoma or is it just another bright, shiny, and expensive technology with no real advantage…?