Micropulse® Laser Trans-Scleral Cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC) using the Iridex P3 probe (MP3) was a hot topic at the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) 2017 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (March 2-5). Multiple posters were presented sharing the results of using this...
Research poster from the American Glaucoma Society Source: IRIDEX – Great work by Dr. Murray Johnstone | Facebook [Internet]. Facebook.com. 2017 [cited 2017 Mar 14]. Available from: https://www.facebook.com/IRIDEX/ How Micropulse® P3 Cyclophotocoagulation Works...
MicroPulse® P3 Glaucoma Device (MP3) Innovative Cyclophotocoagulation with MicroPulse Technology Powered by the NEW CYCLO G6™ Glaucoma Laser System Source: iridex.com Micropulse® Cyclophotocoagulation (MP3) Can Be an Effective Glaucoma Treatment Micropulse...