FDA-Approved Incisional Treatments for Glaucoma – Trabeculectomy and Glaucoma Drainage Devices
Part 7 of 14 of “Adjusting the Faucet or Opening the Drain – Currently Available Methods to Treat the Plumbing Problem of Open Angle Glaucoma” | A San Gabriel Valley Optometric Society (SGVOS) Continuing Education Dinner Event – 2 hours CE | Featured...Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy
Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy Given the technical difficulty of canaloplasty combined with unpredictable insurance coverage, it is no surprise that canaloplasty is rarely the “first-line” or primary choice of glaucoma surgeons. As such, trabeculectomy is...Trabeculectomy versus Canaloplasty (TVC study)
Finally, a head-to-head trial comparing the glaucoma surgeries trabeculectomy and canaloplasty [1]. And, the results heavily favor the safety of canaloplasty over trabeculectomy while also showing an impressive intraocular pressure reduction with canaloplasty. Even...Gold Standard Trabeculectomy Dethroned by Canaloplasty
Trabeculectomy is no longer the king. In the Fall of 2015, a German patient advocacy group recognized Canaloplasty as the new “Gold Standard” in the surgical treatment of glaucoma.
PhacoCanaloplasty™ vs Phacotrab
Canaloplasty Is as Effective as Trabeculectomy When Combined with Cataract Surgery. Unlike with trabeculectomy, cataract surgery enhances the IOP lowering effect of canaloplasty.
Is Trabeculectomy an Option After Canaloplasty?
Is Trabeculectomy an Option After Canaloplasty? Is Trabeculectomy an Option after Canaloplasty? One of the common misconceptions about Canaloplasty is that it eliminates the future option a Trabeculectomy . It’s also, sadly, one of the more common reasons...When Should Surgical Treatments Other Than Glaucoma Drainage Devices Be Considered?
Some examples of conditions that might favor other glaucoma surgical options than Glaucoma Drainage Devices treatment
When Should Glaucoma Drainage Devices Be Considered?
Examples of conditions that favor the use of Glaucoma Drainage Devices over other glaucoma surgical options.
Types of Glaucoma Drainage Devices
Non-Valved Glaucoma Drainage Devices such as Molteno and Baerveldt and Valved Glaucoma Drainage Devices such as Krupin and Ahmed