How Long Has Canaloplasty Been Around?

How Long Has Canaloplasty Been Around? “How long has canaloplasty been around?” That’s a question I get asked quite a bit, and I understand why. Anytime there’s a new procedure, the concern is, “Will it last? What’s the long term...

Why Choose Canaloplasty?

Why Choose Canaloplasty? So why choose canaloplasty over other more traditional glaucoma surgeries such as trabeculectomy or tubes? Well, there are number of reasons but the main one is safety.Safety Canaloplasty simply is a safer surgery and there are multiple...

What If The Canal Is Not Fully Catheterized?

[jwplayer player=”13″ mediaid=”7528″] What If The Canal Is Not Fully Catheterized? What if the canal cannot be fully catheterized by the iTrack catheter during canaloplasty? Well, for canaloplasty to be fully effective, the canal really does...

How Long Does Canaloplasty Take?

How Long Does Canaloplasty Take? One very common question I’m asked is, “how long does canaloplasty take?” Well, by eye surgery standards, it’s a pretty long surgery. It can last anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours, depending upon the...

Canaloplasty | What Does Minimally Invasive Mean?

What Does Minimally Invasive Mean? So canaloplasty is often described as a “minimally invasive surgery”. What does that mean, “minimally invasive”? Well, in order to understand that we really need to compare it to the traditional surgeries of...

Canaloplasty Patient Travels To US From India For Procedure

Canaloplasty Patient Travels to US from India for Procedure Hi, I’m Nidhi Shetty and I’m 25 years old. I’m from Mumbai (that’s in India) and I’m a nutritionist by profession. I was previously employed with Nestle as an infant nutrition...

Canaloplasty Surgery Results

Many of us are obsessed with statistics. We may not like the math, but we love “stats.” Whether it be batting averages, stock prices, or our own personal performance values. With regard to surgeries, stats are also important – which is why results...

Canaloplasty The Keys To Optimizing Patients’ Outcomes

Canaloplasty The Keys to Optimizing Patients’ Outcomes from Dr David Richardson Canaloplasty (pronounced Kah-NAL-oh-plas-tee) is a new glaucoma treatment that gives many people with this potentially blinding condition the hope of saving the vision they have....

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