Glaucoma Treatment Options 101

With a patient’s sight on the line, glaucoma is a race against time. For every increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), a person with glaucoma slowly inches her way towards blindness. A glaucoma specialist therefore must address this process by keeping her patient’s...

Glaucoma Prevention Treatment

 Catching the Eye Thief In glaucoma, what you don’t know can blind you. Glaucoma is an insidious eye thief which can literally rob a person blind. Because there are hardly any symptoms in the earlier stages of the disease, most glaucoma sufferers are unaware they have...

The Evolution Of Glaucoma Treatment Surgery

NPGS is believed to be the most promising of all new glaucoma treatment surgery because its IOP lowering effect appears to be on par with traditional filtering surgeries while having the added benefit of fewer risks (Canaloplasty vs Trabeculectomy)....

Glaucoma Drops: Saving Your Sight, One Drop At A Time

Glaucoma Drops/ Medications Eye medications have been used to treat glaucoma effectively for decades. Different glaucoma drugs have evolved from the miotics of the 60’s (pilocarpine, carbachol epinephrine); beta blockers (timolol, carteolol, betaxolol); carbonic...

What Is A Glaucoma Specialist?

Glaucoma is the “silent thief of sight” that literally robs you blind. It is an eye disease that usually goes undetected for years because of the absence of any symptoms. Glaucoma  is irreversible and progressive once damage to the nerves of the eye has...

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