Canaloplasty 3 Year Results Are In – And They Are Good

Well, we now know the effects of canaloplasty will last.  At least, we know the effects of canaloplasty will last for three years.  And, three years is about as long as any study involving real patients (you know, the type that move, cancel appointments because they...

Are all Canaloplasty Surgeons Glaucoma Specialists?

No. For example, Dr. Richardson is not a glaucoma specialist. A glaucoma specialist is someone who spends one to two additional years after residency learning how to deal with advanced and unusual forms of glaucoma. Because Canaloplasty can most effectively treat...

Canaloplasty For Open-Angle Glaucoma

Citation: Grieshaber MC, Pienaar A, Olivier J, Stegmann R. Canaloplasty for primary open-angle glaucoma: long-term outcome. Br J Ophthalmol. 2010 Nov;94(11):1478-82. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2009.163170. PubMed PMID: 20962352. ABSTRACT Background/Aims: To study the safety and...

What Are the Risks Of Canaloplasty?

Although it is true that there are fewer risks with Canaloplasty than there are with traditional glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy), it is not without risk. All surgeries (there are no exceptions) have risks associated with them. The important thing to consider when...

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