Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy
Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy Given the technical difficulty of canaloplasty combined with unpredictable insurance coverage, it is no surprise that canaloplasty is rarely the “first-line” or primary choice of glaucoma surgeons. As such, trabeculectomy is...Ab-Interno Canaloplasty 12 Month Results Are Impressive!
Ab-Interno Canaloplasty (ABiC™) showed very impressive results in the 12 month multi-center, safety and efficacy clinicial study done by Mark J. Gallardo and Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD.
Gold Standard Trabeculectomy Dethroned by Canaloplasty
Trabeculectomy is no longer the king. In the Fall of 2015, a German patient advocacy group recognized Canaloplasty as the new “Gold Standard” in the surgical treatment of glaucoma.
Treatment for Glaucoma | KCAL 9 TV
Dr. David Richardson visited the KCAL9 studios Wednesday to talk about the new surgery treatment for Glaucoma – Canaloplasty.