Glaucoma Drainage Devices

For over a century it has been known that fluid build-up in the eye can result in loss of vision. It should come as no surprise, then, that the idea of shunting aqueous fluid from the anterior chamber into the space between the sclera and conjunctiva (subconjunctival space) has been around almost that long.

Canaloplasty The Keys To Optimizing Patients’ Outcomes

Canaloplasty The Keys to Optimizing Patients’ Outcomes from Dr David Richardson Canaloplasty (pronounced Kah-NAL-oh-plas-tee) is a new glaucoma treatment that gives many people with this potentially blinding condition the hope of saving the vision they have....


Is Canaloplasty For You? Canaloplasty is a newer, safer, non-penetrating glaucoma surgery Lower IOP. Fewer Drops. Free Online Assessment Glaucoma Treatment Options There is a wide range of glaucoma treatment options available, from traditional glaucoma medications and...

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