NPGS is believed to be the most promising of all new glaucoma treatment surgery because its IOP lowering effect appears to be on par with traditional filtering surgeries while having the added benefit of fewer risks (Canaloplasty vs Trabeculectomy)....
Glaucoma Drops/ Medications Eye medications have been used to treat glaucoma effectively for decades. Different glaucoma drugs have evolved from the miotics of the 60’s (pilocarpine, carbachol epinephrine); beta blockers (timolol, carteolol, betaxolol); carbonic...
With traditional glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy), a blister-like fluid collection (called a “bleb”) must be present on the surface of the eye for the surgery to work. Aqueous fluid (the fluid inside the eye) flows through the fistula into this bleb where...
Dr. David Richardson visited the KCAL9 studios Wednesday to talk about the new surgery treatment for Glaucoma – Canaloplasty. ********** Dr. David Richardson Explains the New Glaucoma Treatment – Canaloplasty in KCAL9 News KCAL9: Well, there’s a new...
About Canaloplasty Video Transcript Hello. I’m Dr. David Richardson.If you have glaucoma, you may be considering one of the many glaucoma surgeries available for this condition. Or, you may just be frustrated by the hassle, cost, and side effects of the glaucoma...