Link Between Erectile Dysfunction & Glaucoma?

A recent study published in the journal Ophthalmology (January 2012) revealed that men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction are three times more likely to suffer from open angle glaucoma. The study was conducted among 4605 men by researchers in the Division of Urology...

Finding the Right Glaucoma Surgery

Open angle glaucoma is one of the most common reasons the elderly seek eye surgery. It is a chronic debilitating condition that can lead to blindness. In terms of glaucoma treatment, what works for one person may not necessarily be applicable to all. This is why...

Vision Loss in Glaucoma Blamed for Falls in Seniors

The elderly fall and when they do it can lead to permanent disability and even death.  The cause is usually assumed to be unsteady gait from aching old joints but could it be glaucoma instead? Glaucoma is a condition commonly seen among adults over 60. Largely due to...

Genetic Link For Glaucoma Among Young African Americans Found

Unknown to many, the second leading cause of blindness around the world is a condition called glaucoma. People may have it for years without being aware of it. There is really no sufficient explanation as to what causes it. Those who suffer from it have elevated...

How To Choose The Right Glaucoma Specialist For You

Choose The Right Glaucoma Specialist For You More than that Meets the Glaucoma Eye Sight is one of the basic senses we use in everyday life and often take for granted. Marsha is just one of the many elderly people who are diagnosed with acute open angle glaucoma each...

Glaucoma Surgery 101

Is Glaucoma Treatment Surgery Safe? If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma and contemplating surgery, it is but normal to be racked with questions and fear in your mind. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the US and majority of the cases seen by...

Do I Need A Glaucoma Specialist?

Close your eyes for a second. Now imagine this immense darkness for the rest of your life. This lifetime of blindness is what glaucoma does. Glaucoma is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention, because if left untreated, can lead to...

Why Do Some Good Eye Surgeons Not Take Fellowship?

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can lead to blindness. It is therefore best seen and treated by a glaucoma specialist. Among other eye diseases, glaucoma specialists are eye doctors who chose to train specifically in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. It...

What You Don’t Know Can Blind You: Understanding Glaucoma Symptoms

Like a ticking time bomb, blindness is waiting to explode in a glaucoma eye. Sadly however, majority of persons with glaucoma have it for years without them ever knowing. It is estimated that less than half of the patients with glaucoma are aware they have it. This is...

Glaucoma Treatment Guidelines | How to Save an Eye

Glaucoma Treatment  In the era of modern medicine, a glaucoma specialist is like a specialized military unit that has a well stocked and fully equipped armament of glaucoma treatments, ranging from medical eye drops, laser, artificial drainage devices, to the latest...

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