How Does a High IOP Cause Vision Loss?

How Does a High IOP Cause Vision Loss? Since the 1800s it has been known that high intraocular pressure (IOP) can result in permanent loss of vision. More recently it has been discovered that Glaucoma results from a selective loss of a particular cell in the eye...

How Glaucoma is Treated

At the present time all FDA approved glaucoma treatments aim to lower IOP. However, modern research has discovered a number of mechanisms other than elevated IOP that may contribute to loss of vision from glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

So, what is glaucoma? Is It High Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in the Eye? Mounting evidence suggests that factors other than intraocular pressure (IOP) contribute to the development of glaucoma.

Human Eye: A Brief Introduction

For an organ that is about the size of a large gumball, the eye is a complicated structure. Fortunately, a basic understanding of glaucoma and it’s treatments can be gained with an awareness of just a few “parts” of the eye.

Does Everyone With Glaucoma Go Blind?

Earlier detection seems to be one of the key factors in whether someone is likely to go blind from glaucoma. Simply put, a person who has already lost some vision by the time of diagnosis is more likely to go blind[4] than someone who is diagnosed with glaucoma prior to losing any vision. It’s been estimated that 50% of people with glaucoma

How Common Is Glaucoma?

It’s believed that 60-70 million people worldwide have glaucoma. Approximately 3 million people in the United States alone have this condition

Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Monitoring

Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Monitoring by David Richardson, MD | Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Monitoring Can You Monitor Your IOP At Home? It’s clear that accurately...

Can Vision Lost From Glaucoma Be Regained?

The short answer to this question is, “No.” The longer answer is, “Well, maybe, but (1) not by the time most people get diagnosed; (2) the amount of vision regained is so small that most people would not be aware of having regained vision; and (3)...

Why You Should Care About Glaucoma

It’s a pretty good assumption that if you are reading this either you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, told you are at risk for glaucoma, or know someone with glaucoma. These are all good reasons to care and to want to gain more knowledge about this disease of the...

Common Eye Test Could Miss Vision Loss from Glaucoma

Visual acuity, using a Snellen chart is a simple and routine eye evaluation usually performed in ophthalmologists’ and optometrists’ offices. It is used to estimate a person’s degree of visual disability. In order to perform this test a person is...

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