Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy

Canaloplasty After Failed Trabeculectomy Given the technical difficulty of canaloplasty combined with unpredictable insurance coverage, it is no surprise that canaloplasty is rarely the “first-line” or primary choice of glaucoma surgeons. As such, trabeculectomy is...

Canaloplasty versus Trabeculectomy – Patient Experience

Canaloplasty versus Trabeculectomy Testimonial from a Patient of Dr. David Richardson (San Marino Eye) How does canaloplasty compare to Trabeculectomy? Let John and Mildred share with you their experience. “I didn’t go through it but being his wife I saw first hand...

Canaloplasty After Trabeculectomy – Patient Experience

Canaloplasty After Trabeculectomy Testimonial from a Patient of Dr. David Richardson (San Marino Eye) Alvin (with wife, Rose) shares his canaloplasty experience. Alvin had laser surgery and trabeculectomy on both eyes (performed by another surgeon). Sadly, he had lost...

Trabeculectomy versus Canaloplasty (TVC study)

Finally, a head-to-head trial comparing the glaucoma surgeries trabeculectomy and canaloplasty [1]. And, the results heavily favor the safety of canaloplasty over trabeculectomy while also showing an impressive intraocular pressure reduction with canaloplasty. Even...

Trabeculectomy Glaucoma Surgery

Trabeculectomy Glaucoma Surgery. Part 3 of 12 of “What’s New In Glaucoma Surgery” Presentation, a continuing education course for Optometrists presented by Patient-Focused Ophthalmologist, Dr. David Richardson on May 20, 2015. Trabeculectomy Surgery...

Is Trabeculectomy an Option After Canaloplasty?

Is Trabeculectomy an Option After Canaloplasty? Is Trabeculectomy an Option after Canaloplasty? One of the common misconceptions about Canaloplasty is that it eliminates the future option a Trabeculectomy . It’s also, sadly, one of the more common reasons...

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